Wine Costing

Do you know what the true cost of your wine is?

Your true cost per case is probably the most important number you will need to manage your winery.  How else can you forecast cash flow and make sound financial decisions?

Sadly, most small wineries only use their directs costs when calculating this essential metric.  But wine can take years to produce and all those aging barrels take up a whopping amount of space in your winery.  Your true cost per case needs to account for this by also adding in the cost of utilities, the winery building itself, and all those tanks and barrels.  Sounds complicated?  Well it is.

Happily, we have a simplified method of tracking those costs for you.  Wouldn’t it be nice to know your true cost for each vintage/varietal as soon as it is released?  Then, it’s simple to enter that number into your POS/Inventory system and Voila!  You know exactly what your Cost of Goods Sold is at any time.

Note to the up and comers already making $1 million in gross sales or getting close…
The IRS requires you to capitalize into inventory the true cost of your wines.  At this point it is not optional anymore, but never fear Clear Winery Solutions is here!